He asked...and I said, "YES!"

April 6, 2013

We both woke up early for A's flight to Japan, around 8am. It was a little dark, rainy and cold. The weather reflected how I felt on the inside at his rapidly impending departure. I didn't let it show though, because I didn't want him to feel guilty. I wanted him to enjoy his vacation and not dwell on his codependent girlfriend at home. Neither of us had a clue that the day would be so wonderful! ...and it was!

So after packing and showering and shaving and having breakfast and saying goodbye to me, for the millionth time (and me tearing up like a fool) A left our apartment--umbrella in one hand, suitcase trailing behind him.

About half and hour later, A calls me with sheer panic in his voice. "I am going to miss my flight I can't get a bus to the airport until 11am," he says. I envision him sitting in the bus station, all alone, freaking out. I wished I was there to tell him it'll be alright. I did my best to console him over the phone. His flight was at 4pm, check-in no later than 2:30pm. It takes 4 hrs 30 mins from Pohang to Incheon, Seoul International Airport. There really was no way he'd make it if he relied on that bus.
Anxiety started to grip him so I said the best things I could think of..."There's always away, I'm going to try and help you get there. Don't worry. It's going to be okay. I Love you." This seemed to calm A down a bit and I hung up to see if I could get another plane, train or bus to get him to the airport in time. After a whole hour of trying, internet research, calling airports and bus companies, I realized there really wasn't a possible way to get him to his flight. He'd miss it. I called him back and he seemed resolute, "I know. I'm coming home... thanks Ame."

When he came home I was in the bathroom. When I got out of the bathroom I notice that he had one hand behind his back. I ran and hugged him and said I was sorry about his flight and I really tried. He smiled at me and said, "You know... everything happens for a reason." Then he got down on one knee and held out the ring.

What he said made me cry, it was so beautiful. And at that moment it solidified in my mind that there is no one else on this planet for me but him. I love him with everything in me. I'd do anything for him. I said, "Yes!"

And that was almost 2 weeks ago now. I've been engaged two whole weeks and it's so strange saying, "My fiancé..." instead of "My boyfriend". We've been together four years! I can hardly believe we're getting married. Not right away (because we're poor and we need to figure out where we're gonna live next year) but someday in the future I will be Mrs. F~

I keep looking down at my ring and touching it and smiling. It's real! This is real. He's real. My Prince...


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